This is a custom WordPress website/blog that allows the client to present conceptual information for a book in progress, and to post sample content for review and comment.
I am currently working on expanding this site to include a social network interface.
Designed and developed website for The Center for Reading Diagnosis and Instruction at California State University, Monterey Bay.
This is a complete redesign of the original site I built for The Reading Center to meet new orginaizational structure, content and marketing needs of the client.
Designed and developed website for author, G.M. Weger.
Custom design and streaming audio, video
Designed and developed website for author, Dick Guthrie.
This is an example of a simple, affordable, custom designed website. The client wanted a basic design that can be expanded later as he develops more content.
Custom website based on modified template purchased by client.
Created custom color pallete, original graphics and animations, customized menus and style sheet. Optimized and integrated media provieded by client.
Not Available online
Designed and developed website for Triage Consulting Group, a financial healthcare consulting firm.
Not Available online
Co-designed and developed website for "Quest for Excellence," the award-winning syndicated television news-magazine produced by CTA and hosted by Dina Eastwood.
Not Available online
Designed and developed website for Mac and Ava Motion Picture Productions.
Not Available online
Developed website prototype for Online Flowers.Com.
Not Available online
Designed and developed website for The Housing Trust Fund of Santa Clara County.